Broken Realms Army boxes
Horrek's Dreadlance Invidian Plaguehost Mortevell's Helcourt Xintil War-Magi
Some fantastic new bundle boxes that not only save you money, but can be combined with the rules from Broken Realms: Teclis to field powerful new Warscroll Battalions.
The newest line of MTG's ready to play decks for FNM! In store play sadly still isn't in the cards at time of release but these are still a great way to grab a fresh deck that's ready to go right away, or even get a great core to build your own!
The newest Miniatures set from SFG in their animal adventures line that brought you Dungeons & Doggies and Cats & Catacombs! This time providing the minis for an encounter based the Rat King and his minions