Rowan Rook and Deckard

Spire: the City must Fall 5th Anniversary Edition


Spire: the City must Fall 5th Anniversary Edition

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  • Brand: Rowan Rook and Deckard
  • Type: rpg
  • Availability: In Stock

You are a dark elf. Your home, the towering city of Spire, was occupied by the high elves two hundred years ago. Now, you have joined a secret organisation known as the Ministry, a paramilitary cult with a single aim – to overthrow the cruel high elves and restore the drow as the rightful rulers of the city.

The revised, 5th anniversary edition of Spire is a 252-page book which contains:

  • A quick and easy D10 system that lets you tell stories of brutal rebellion
  • Details on the districts, factions and personalities that make up Spire – the frozen high elf kingdom of Amaranth, the lawless undercity of Red Row, the mysterious Mortician sect and the bleeding hole in reality known as the Heart
  • Eleven character classes, including the vagabond Knight, the sorcerer-artist Idol and the arachnid nurse Midwife
  • Multiple extra advances to sculpt your character, allowing them to learn the hidden magicks of the Ministry, fall back on their military training, or devote their existence to a mad cannibal king who lives under an abandoned warehouse
  • A gamesmastery chapter, written with an eye to help you craft conspiracies and power structures that your players can topple, subvert or be consumed by
  • Over fifty illustrations by the tremendously talented Adrian Stone
  • The full contents of the previously-separate Black Magic sourcebook, including full and inadvisable rules for demonology
  • The adventure Blood & Dust, also available separately
  • Beautifully redesigned by ENnie award-winning layout artist Mina McJanda

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